Of Mice and Men
Anticipation/Reaction Guide-English 9 Honors
Part 1 Directions: Before reading Of Mice and Men, in the “Before” column, respond to each statement by putting a plus (+) sign if you agree with it, a minus (-) sign if you disagree, and a question mark (?) if you are unsure of your belief
Part 2 Directions: For one of the statements below, respond as a comment to my Blog Post #2 (300 words plus) as to why you have the belief you do. Be prepared to share your response with the class. Also, as part of your blog comment, you must include at least one link to a relevant YouTube clip, article or image. You must also respond to/comment on at least two of your classmates comments. Blog comments must be posted by ____________.
Part 3 Directions: After reading Of Mice and Men, in the “After” column respond again to the statements. Then, reply on my blog (300 plus words) to a statement where your belief changed after reading the book. Be prepared to share your response with the class.
Before Statement After
1.____ People that are poor should rely on their friends, family, or church for 1.____
help, not the government.
2.____ A true friend will tell you the truth, even when you don’t want to hear 2.____
3.____ Racial slurs used against African Americans are more offensive than 3.____
other racial slurs because the history of slavery and hate in the US.
4.____ Women today are more often treated by men as equals. 4.____
5.____ When people are a victim of a crime, they should be able to take the 5.____
law into their own hands.
6.____ States with the death penalty have lower murder rates. 6.____
7.____ The best place for justice to be determined is in a court of law. 7.____
8.____ Being rich is more important than having close friends. 8.____
9.____ Sometimes a person has to break the law to make sure justice is 9.____
10.____ Life today is more difficult than it was in the 1930’s. 10.___
11.___ Certain groups in society have more power than other groups. 11.___
12.___ Elderly citizens are valued and respected in society. 12.___
13.___ Euthanasia is morally acceptable. 13.___
14.___ The American Dream is achievable for everyone. 14.___
15.___ The difference between right and wrong is sometimes unclear. 15.___